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What is the use of handpan

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The handpan is a curious instrument – part steel drum, part hang drum, and part Swiss army knife. While its origins are unclear, the instrument has become increasingly popular in recent years, appearing in everything from jazz to rock to ambient music. But what is the use of handpan? Let’s explore this question and find out!

The history of the handpan

handpan (90)

The handpan is a steel percussion instrument created in 2001 by Philippe Mollé. It consists of two partial hemispheres of steel welded together and tuned to produce a range of musical notes. The player holds the instrument in their laps and strikes the notes with their hands.

Mollé was inspired to create the handpan after hearing the Hang, a similar percussion instrument created in Switzerland in 2000. The Hang is played with the hands, but it has a much larger surface area and produces a lower range of notes. Mollé’s design was smaller and produced a higher range of notes, making it more versatile for playing melodies.

The first handpans were created in Mollé’s workshop in Switzerland. He then formed the company PANArt Hangbau AG to manufacture and sell them. The company has since moved to Bern, Switzerland.

Handpans are made from a variety of metals, including carbon steel, stainless steel, and copper. They are usually tuned to pentatonic or diatonic scales, although some instruments have more unusual scales such as chromatic or whole tone scales.

Handpans have become increasingly popular in recent years, with PANArt receiving over 1,000 orders per year. They are used by musicians all over the world for both solo and ensemble performances.

How the handpan is played

The handpan is a relatively new instrument, only having been invented in the early 2000s. The handpan is played with the hands, using a mixture of drumming, tapping, and hovering techniques to produce a variety of sounds. Each handpan is made up of two different notes (typically an octave apart), which are played by striking the edge of the instrument with the palm of the hand. The player can produce a variety of pitches by striking different parts of the handpan’s surface.

The different types of handpans

Handpans are musical instruments that are played by holding them in the hands and striking the surface with the fingers. There are many different types of handpans, each with a unique sound. The most common type of handpan is the steel pan, which is used in Caribbean music. Other types of handpans include the Hang, Hang II, and Pantam.

The benefits of playing the handpan

The handpan is a unique and beautifully sounding instrument that has many benefits. Playing the handpan can help to reduce stress, improve concentration, increase positive emotions and well-being, and boost creativity.

Handpans are also a great way to connect with others, as they are often played in groups. Playing the handpan can help promote social bonding and communication.

The best places to buy a handpan

Pans for Sale are all over the internet, and in music stores. However, some places are better than others when it comes to finding the perfect pan for you. These are a few of the best places to buy a handpan.

1) Dorhymi – This website sells new handpans. is one of the few handpan makers in China

2) Handpan Center – This website is based in Germany, but they ship worldwide. They have a wide selection of new and used handpans, as well as cases and accessories.

3) Handpans Online – This website is based in the UK and ships worldwide. They have a wide selection of new and used handpans, as well as cases and accessories.

4) Steel Tongue Drums – This website is based in the USA and specializes in steel tongue drums (also called tank drums or hang drums). They have a wide selection of new and used handpans, as well as cases and accessories.

5) The Hangest – This website is based in France and specializes in handpans. They have a wide selection of new and used handpans, as well as cases and accessories.

How to care for your handpan

two women playing a handpan and a melodica blow organ sitting at street.

Here are some recommendations on how to care for your handpan:

-Keep your handpan clean and dry. After playing, wipe down your handpan with a clean, dry cloth. If needed, you can use a mild soap and water solution to clean it. Be sure to rinse the soap off completely and dry the handpan before storing it.
-Store your handpan in a cool, dry place. Avoid extreme temperatures and humidity, as this can damage the metal.
-If you plan on not playing your handpan for an extended period of time, it’s best to store it in a padded case or gig bag. This will protect it from bumps and scratches.
-Be careful when transporting your handpan. When traveling with a handpan, always use a sturdy case or gig bag designed specifically for this purpose. Avoid checking the handpan as luggage if possible, as this can increase the risk of damage during transit.

Handpan for Meditation and Relaxation

The handpan has gained popularity in meditation and relaxation practices due to its ability to create a serene and immersive atmosphere. Its ethereal tones and gentle resonance can guide practitioners into a state of deep relaxation and introspection. The meditative qualities of the handpan make it an ideal companion for mindfulness exercises, yoga sessions, and therapeutic treatments.

Handpan in Music Therapy

Music therapists have recognized the therapeutic potential of the handpan in their practice. The instrument’s soothing and expressive qualities make it a valuable tool for connecting with patients on an emotional level. Handpan music can help reduce stress and anxiety, facilitate emotional release, and promote overall well-being. Music therapists incorporate the handpan into various therapeutic techniques, such as guided improvisation, rhythmic entrainment, and sensory stimulation.

The future of the handpan

The handpan, also known as a hanging drum or steel tongue drum, is a relatively new musical instrument that is becoming increasingly popular due to its unique sound and portability. While its exact origins are unknown, it is believed to have originated in the early 2000s in Switzerland.

Handpans are typically made from two half-cylinders of steel that are welded or glued together. The bottom half-cylinder has a diameter of around 30 cm (12 inches) and the top half-cylinder has a diameter of around 25 cm (10 inches). There are typically seven to nine notes cut out of the top half-cylinder, which are then hammered and tuned to create a beautiful sounding instrument.

Despite its recent invention, the handpan has already gained a strong following among both professional and amateur musicians. Its popularity is likely due to its unique sound, which has been described as ethereal, angelic, and otherworldly. In addition, its portability makes it an ideal instrument for buskers, street performers, and traveling musicians.

While the future of the handpan is unknown, it seems likely that this instrument will continue to gain in popularity due to its unique sound and portability.

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