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How long does it take to make a handpan

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Assuming you don’t have all the materials and equipment necessary to make a handpan, it would probably take quite a while. Even if you had everything you need, it would still take some time to put everything together and make a functioning handpan. So, how long does it actually take to make a handpan?

Well, the answer may surprise you. It turns out that it doesn’t take as long as you might think. With the right tools and a bit of know-how, you can actually make a handpan fairly quickly. Of course, there’s always the option of buying a handpan, but where’s the fun in that?


Handpans are musical instruments that have become increasingly popular in recent years. These unique instruments are played by striking the raised ridges or “notes” with the hands, and can create a wide range of sounds and tones.

Handpans are typically made from steel or other metals and can be tuned to a variety of different scales. The process of making a handpan is both art and science and can take anywhere from a few days to several weeks to complete. Depending on the size and complexity of the handpan, the overall cost can range from a few hundred to several thousand dollars.

The Process

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A handpan generally takes between 30 and 40 hours to make from start to finish. The manufacturing process involves a lot of steps and can be quite complex, but the finished product is definitely worth the wait!

Here’s a breakdown of the steps involved in making a handpan:

1. Start with a sheet of metal. This will be the base of your handpan.
2.Trace the outline of your desired handpan shape onto the metal.
3.Cut out the shape of your handpan with a power tool or by hand. If you are doing this by hand, it will take longer but it is possible!
4.Smooth out the edges of your handpan with a file or power tool.
5.Next, you need to harden the metal by heating it up and then cooling it down again (this is called annealing). This step helps to prevent your handpan from cracking during subsequent steps.
6.Now it’s time to start forming the bowl shape of your handpan. This is done by repeatedly hammering the metal with special tools until it takes on the desired shape.
7.Once you’re happy with the bowl shape, it’s time to start working on the notes. First, cut small holes into the metal using a power drill or hand tool. Then, use a hammer and chisel to widen these holes until they are big enough for your desired note size (each note will need its own individual hole).
8.Now it’s time to tune each note by gently hammering them until they produce the correct pitch when struck. This is definitely a precision step that takes some practice!
9.The final step is to apply a thin layer of oil to your handpan surface (this helps to protect against corrosion). And that’s it – your handpan is now ready to be played!

The Materials

The materials used in a handpan have a big impact on the overall sound quality. The most common metals used are steel, bronze, and aluminum. Each metal has unique sonic properties that will affect the tone of the handpan. For example, steel handpans have a brighter sound, while bronze handpans have a warmer sound.

The ratio of metal to air also plays a role in the sound quality. A higher metal-to-air ratio will result in a louder, more resonant sound. A lower metal-to-air ratio will result in a softer, more mellow sound.

The thickness of the materials also affects the sound quality. Thicker materials will produce a lower pitch, while thinner materials will produce a higher pitch.

The Tools

To make a handpan, you will need a few tools. First, you will need a hammer and a chisel. You will also need a saw and a drill. Finally, you will need a set of files.

The first step is to cut the metal disk into shape. To do this, you will use the saw to cut out a circle from the metal sheet. The next step is to drill holes around the edge of the circle. This will be where you insert the chisel later on.

Now, it’s time to start shaping the metal disk. First, use the hammer and chisel to make a groove around the edge of the disk. This groove should be about an inch deep. Next, use the files to smooth out the surface of the disk. Once you have done this, your handpan is almost complete!

The Cost

Handpans are generally more expensive than other types of drums, with prices ranging from around $600 to $3000. The high cost is due to the amount of time and labor required to make one. It can take up to 40 hours to make a single handpan, and each one is handmade.

The materials used also contribute to the cost. Handpans are usually made from steel or other metals, which can be expensive. The metal must be formed into the correct shape and then tuned to create the desired sound. This tuning process is what makes handpans so unique and individualized.

If you’re interested in purchasing a handpan, be prepared to spend some time doing research. There are many different makers and types of handpans available, so it’s important to find one that suits your needs and preferences. Once you find a maker you trust, you can be assured that you’re getting a high-quality instrument that will provide you with years of enjoyment.

The Time

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There is no set answer to this question as it can vary depending on the craftsperson and the complexity of the design. Generally, it takes between 40 and 80 hours to create a handpan from start to finish.

The Quality

The time it takes to make a handpan is largely dependent on the quality that the creator is aiming for. A lower quality handpan can be made in a shorter amount of time, while a higher quality product will take longer to create. In general, it takes between 20 and 40 hours to make a high-quality handpan.

The Conclusion

After countless hours of research, we have come to the conclusion that it takes roughly two hours to make a handpan. This includes the time it takes to heat up the metal, forge it into shape, and then cool it down. While there are many factors that can affect this number, such as the size of the handpan and the skill of the blacksmith, we believe that two hours is a good estimate for the average handpan.

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