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How much is a crystal singing bowl

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If you’re looking for a way to add some extra zen to your life, a crystal singing bowl might be just the thing. But before you run out and buy one, you might be wondering: how much is a crystal singing bowl?

The answer, of course, depends on a few factors. The size and quality of the bowl are the two biggest factors, but where you buy it and whether or not you get any accessories can also affect the price.

Crystal singing bowls – an introduction

Crystal singing bowls are musical instruments usually made from quartz crystal. They are used for meditation, sound therapy, and music-making. The tones produced by crystal bowls are said to be healing and can be used to balance the chakras.

Crystal singing bowls have been used for centuries by many cultures for both spiritual and practical purposes. In more recent years, they have gained popularity in the New Age movement as a tool for meditation, relaxation, and stress relief.

There are many different types of crystal singing bowls available on the market today, ranging in size, shape, and material. Bowls can be made from pure quartz crystal, or they can be a mix of quartz and other materials such as lead oxide or lithium oxide.

The size of the bowl also varies, with smaller bowls being used for personal meditation and larger ones being used for group sound baths or therapy sessions.

The tone of a crystal bowl is said to be healing and can be used to balance the chakras. The seven main chakras are located along the spine from the base to the crown of the head. Each chakra is associated with a different color and vibrational frequency.

By using a bowl that matches the frequency of a particular chakra, it is said to be possible to bring that chakra into balance. This can help to improve physical, mental, and emotional health and well-being.

adult woman playing singing crystal bowl at home

The history of crystal singing bowls

Crystal singing bowls are made from pure quartz crystal and are used for sound healing. The history of crystal singing bowls dates back to the early 1970s when they were first created by the harmonic overtone of a quartz crystal.

The first crystal bowls were made from a process of heating and cooling a quartz crystal in order to create a harmonic overtone. This process was later perfected by Lisa Maitland, who is credited with inventing the modern day crystal bowl.

Crystal bowls have been used for centuries for their healing properties. The vibrational frequencies of the bowls can be used to balance the mind, body and spirit. The bowls are often used in meditation and yoga practices, as well as in sound therapy sessions.

How crystal singing bowls work

Crystal singing bowls are made of quartz crystal, which has a natural ability to vibrate at a very high frequency. When struck with a mallet, the bowl produces a pure, powerful sound that can be used for meditation, healing, and relaxation.

The sound of the bowl brings the listener into a state of deep relaxation, where the mind is quiet and receptive. This state is ideal for meditation and for receiving positive, healing energy.

Crystal singing bowls are used by many different people for many different purposes. Some use them for relaxation or mediation, while others use them for healing work. Bowls can be used individually or in groups, and there are many different sizes and frequencies to choose from.

The benefits of using crystal singing bowls

Crystal singing bowls are made from a special type of quartz crystal that vibrates at a very high frequency. When you strike or rub the bowl, it produces a calming, resonant sound that can have a profound effect on your mind, body and spirit.

There are many benefits to using crystal singing bowls. The vibrations help to release stress and tension from the body, clear the mind and promote relaxation. The bowls can also be used for energy healing and chakra balancing.

If you are looking for a way to relax, de-stress and rejuvenate, then consider using crystal singing bowls.

The different types of crystal singing bowls

Crystal Singing Bowls come in many different shapes and sizes, each with its own unique sound and vibration. The most common types of Crystal Singing Bowls are:

-Flat bottomed bowls: these bowls have a flat base and produce a smooth, relaxing sound. They are perfect for meditating or for use in yoga or massage therapy.
-Taped bowls: these bowls have a layer of tape on the bottom, which gives them a more pronounced vibration. Taped bowls are often used in sound therapy or for energy work.
-Whole note bowls: these bowls are tuned to specific frequencies, which correspond to the seven chakras. Whole note bowls can be used for energy balancing and healing work.

Which type of bowl you choose is ultimately up to you and what you hope to use it for. There is no right or wrong answer – it all depends on your personal preferences and needs.

How to choose the right crystal singing bowl for you

There are many different types and sizes of crystal singing bowls available on the market, so it can be tricky to know which one is right for you. Here are a few things to consider when making your decision:

-The size of the bowl. The larger the bowl, the lower the note and the deeper the sound. If you want a bowl that will produce a powerful sound, choose a larger size. If you prefer a higher, more delicate sound, go for a smaller size.

-The material of the bowl. Most crystal singing bowls are made from quartz crystal, but you can also find bowls made from other materials such as glass or ceramic. Quartz crystal bowls tend to produce more pure tones and have stronger vibrational energy, while glass and ceramic bowls tend to be less expensive and may produce more complex sounds.

-The type of bowl. There are two main types of crystal singing bowls: strokable and rubble. Strikeable bowls are played by striking them with a mallet, while rubble bowls are played by rubbing them with a dampened finger or mallet. Each type has its own unique sound and vibration, so it’s important to choose the type that feels right for you.

Factors Influencing the Price of Crystal Singing Bowls

The cost of a crystal singing bowl can vary significantly based on several factors. Understanding these factors will help you determine the right bowl for your needs and budget.

Material and Quality

The material used in the construction of a crystal singing bowl greatly impacts its price. High-quality quartz crystal bowls tend to be more expensive due to the purity and clarity of the crystal. Bowls made from gem-infused crystals or those with additional minerals or metals embedded in the crystal also tend to have a higher price tag.

Size and Weight

Larger crystal singing bowls generally command a higher price due to the larger amount of crystal used in their construction. Additionally, larger bowls often produce deeper and more resonant tones, making them desirable for certain purposes. The weight of the bowl can also influence the price, as heavier bowls require more crystal material.

Design and Aesthetics

The design and aesthetics of a crystal singing bowl can impact its price. Bowls with intricate engravings, unique shapes, or decorative elements are often priced higher than simpler designs. The level of craftsmanship and attention to detail can also contribute to the cost.

Brand and Reputation

Established brands with a reputation for producing high-quality crystal singing bowls may have higher prices due to their brand value. These brands often have a long-standing history of creating exceptional instruments, which can justify the premium price.

Accessories and Extras

Some crystal singing bowl sets come with additional accessories such as mallets, cushions, or carrying cases. These extras can influence the price of the bowl, as they enhance the overall value and convenience of the purchase.

Pricing Range for Crystal Singing Bowls

Crystal singing bowls are available in a wide range of prices to accommodate various budgets. Entry-level bowls made from lower-quality materials can start around $50, while high-end professional-grade bowls made from pure quartz crystal and other premium materials can cost several hundred or even thousands of dollars.


Crystal singing bowls offer a unique and transformative experience for individuals seeking relaxation, meditation, and spiritual growth. Understanding the factors influencing the price of crystal singing bowls can help you make an informed decision when purchasing one. Remember to consider the material, size, design, brand, and extras that come with the bowl. By choosing a crystal singing bowl that resonates with you, you can embark on a journey of self-discovery and inner harmony.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. How long do crystal singing bowls last? Crystal singing bowls can last for a lifetime if properly cared for. With regular maintenance and cautious handling, they can provide many years of enjoyment.
  2. Can I use a crystal singing bowl for healing purposes? Yes, crystal singing bowls are often used for healing purposes. Their vibrations and tones are believed to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual healing.
  3. Are crystal singing bowls difficult to play? Crystal singing bowls are relatively easy to play. With a little practice, you can create beautiful sounds by striking or rubbing the bowl’s rim with a mallet.
  4. Can I tune my crystal singing bowl? Crystal singing bowls are typically tuned to specific notes or frequencies. However, it’s challenging to tune them yourself. It’s best to rely on the bowl’s original tuning or consult a professional if you wish to retune it.
  5. Are crystal singing bowls suitable for children? Crystal singing bowls can be enjoyed by individuals of all ages, including children. However, supervision is recommended to ensure safe handling and prevent accidents.
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