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Is the steel tongue drum easy to play

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The steel tongue drum is often touted as a beginner-friendly musical instrument. But is it really as easy to play as some people say? Let’s find out!


Tongue drums, also known as tank drums, or voice flutes, are chromatic percussion instruments. The steel tongue drum is a type of tongue drum which is made out of steel. It is a relatively new instrument, and has only been around for about 50 years. The steel tongue drum was invented in Haiti by Dumax Creole.

What is a steel tongue drum?

A steel tongue drum is a type of musical instrument that is played by striking the tongues (typically metal blades) with a mallet. The resulting sound is similar to that of bells, gongs, or xylophones. Steel tongue drums are used in various musical genres, including folk, rock, and experimental music.

The benefits of playing a steel tongue drum

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Playing a steel tongue drum can offer a number of benefits, both physical and mental.

On a physical level, playing the drum can help to improve coordination and motor skills. The act of striking the drum with the sticks requires a good level of coordination, and as you become more proficient at playing, you will find that your coordination improves. Playing the drum can also help to relieve stress and tension in the body, as well as providing a good workout for the muscles in the arms and shoulders.

On a mental level, playing the steel tongue drum can help to improve concentration and focus. The repetitive nature of striking the drums can help to still the mind, and allow you to focus on the present moment. The music produced by the steel tongue drum can also be very calming and relaxing, which can help to reduce stress and anxiety levels.

How to play a steel tongue drum

The steel tongue drum is a type of percussion instrument that is played with the hands. The drums are made from steel and have a unique sound that is created by the tongues that are cut into the metal. The tongues vibrate when the drum is struck, and the sound produced is similar to that of a steel pan. The tongue drum can be played solo or in an ensemble, and it is an instrument that is suitable for all ages.

There are a few things to keep in mind when playing the steel tongue drum. First, it is important to use the correct hand technique. The drums are meant to be played with the fingers, not with sticks or other objects. Second, it is important to strike the center of the tongue with the finger in order to produce a clear sound. Finally, it is important to avoid playing too hard, as this can damage the tongues and cause them to produce a muffled sound.

The different types of steel tongue drums

Steel tongue drums come in many different shapes and sizes. Some are large, some are small, and some are in between. There are also many different types of steel tongue drums, each with its own unique playing style.

One type of steel tongue drum is the flat-top drum. These drums have a flat top and a round bottom. They are easy to play and produce a very mellow sound.

Another type of steel tongue drum is the conical drum. These drums have a cone-shaped top and a round bottom. They are more difficult to play than flat-top drums, but they produce a richer, more resonant sound.

Still another type of steel tongue drum is the hemispherical drum. These drums have a hemisphere-shaped top and a flat bottom. They are the most difficult to play of all the steel tongue drums, but they produce the richest, most full-bodied sound.

Steel tongue drum care and maintenance

Steel tongue drum care and maintenance is easy if you follow a few simple steps. The first step is to clean your steel tongue drum after each use. You can use a mild soap and water solution or a commercial cleaning solution specifically designed for steel drums. Be sure to rinse your steel tongue drum thoroughly after cleaning to remove any residual soap or cleaning solution.

The second step in steel tongue drum care and maintenance is to keep your steel tongue drum dry. After each use, be sure to towel dry your steel tongue drum to remove any moisture. Moisture can cause corrosion and rust, so it’s important to keep your steel tongue drum as dry as possible.

The third step in steel tongue drum care and maintenance is to store your steel tongue drum in a cool, dry place when not in use. Avoid storing your steel tongue drum in direct sunlight or in humid conditions, as this can cause corrosion and rusting. If you must store your steel tongue drum in an outdoor shed or garage, be sure to cover it with a tarp or other protective cover to keep it dry.

By following these simple steps, you can ensure that your steel tongue drum will provide years of enjoyment.

Where to buy a steel tongue drum

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There are many places you can buy a steel tongue drum. You can find them online, in music stores, and even in some stores that sell instruments. You can also find them at festivals and fairs. They are becoming more popular all the time, so you should have no problem finding one.


The steel tongue drum is a wonderful instrument that is easy to play and has a very soothing sound. If you are looking for an instrument that you can use to relax or meditate, the steel tongue drum is an excellent choice.

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