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How to play steel tongue drum

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Introduction: what is a steel tongue drum?

A steel tongue drum, also known as a gong-drum or bell drum, is a percussion instrument made from a metal hoop that is struck with a rubber or wooden mallet. The steel hoop produces a deep and resonant tone when struck, which can be used to create rhythm in various genres of music.

steel tongue drum (2)

How is the steel tongue drum produced?

Steel tongue drums are made by cutting a circular piece of metal from a steel sheet. The circumference of the metal is then divided into equal segments, and small holes are punched into each segment. A series of tongues, or lips, are then cut out of the metal around the edge of the disk. The tongues are arranged in a spiral pattern, with each one overlapping the one before it. They are then bent up and over to form the drumhead.

Are There Different Kinds of Steel Tongue Drums?

There are a few different types of steel tongue drums. They come in various sizes and shapes, and each one has its own unique sound.

One type is the steel tongue drum with a spherical body. These drums are usually quite large, and they produce a deep, resonant sound. Another type is the steel tongue drum with a cylindrical body. These drums are typically smaller than the spherical drums, and they produce a high-pitched sound.

There are also several variations of the steel tongue drum that have hybrid shapes. One such variation is the steel tongue drum with a triangular body. This drum produces a middle-of-the-road sound that is neither too deep nor too high-pitched. Another variation is the steel tongue drum with a rectangular body.

What are the Different Uses of Tongue Drums?

One common use for steel tongue drums is as a musical instrument. They can be used to play melodies, harmonies, and rhythms. They are often used in music therapy and other forms of therapeutic music.

Another common use for steel tongue drums is as a meditation tool. The soft sounds that they produce can help to calm the mind and promote inner peace. Many people also find them helpful for inducing deep sleep.

Steel tongue drums can also be used for sound healing purposes. They can be used to soothe and heal the body, mind, and spirit. They can also be used for self-hypnosis.

The soft vibration of steel tongue drums can help to improve sleep quality and promote healing. Some people use them as a form of relaxation therapy.


How to hold the drum

Steel tongue drums, like handpans and hang drums, are unique instruments that can be a little difficult to hold at first. With a little practice, however, you’ll be able to hold it like a pro. The following steps will show you how:

1. Hold the drum in your lap with your legs slightly apart. This will give you stability and keep the drum from moving around.

2. Rest your left hand on the top of the drum and use your right hand to play the notes.

3. Use your left hand to mute the notes if needed. This can be done by gently placing your fingers over the holes on the top of the drum.

4. Experiment with different ways of holding the drum until you find a position that is comfortable for you.

The benefits of playing a steel tongue drum

One of the benefits of playing a steel tongue drum is that it can help improve your focus and concentration. When you are playing the drums, you have to be very focused in order to produce the desired sound. This can help you to improve your focus and concentration in other areas of your life as well.

Playing a steel tongue drum can also help you to relax and de-stress. The sound of the drums is very calming and soothing, and can help to relieve stress and tension in your body. This can be beneficial for both your mental and physical health. A steel tongue drum can also help to keep you fit and healthy. While the steel tongue drum is not a physical exercise, it can help to keep your body in shape. You are able to play the drums for long periods of time, which will allow you to burn up a lot of calories.

You are also able to use the drums to reinforce muscle control and coordination. Playing the drums will help you to get into good shape and maintain your fitness level. You can play the drums for hours at a time, which means that you have plenty of time to exercise.


In order to play a steel tongue drum, you will need the following items:

-Tongue drum



The first step is to find the middle of the drum. This is usually indicated by a line or dot on the drum. Once you have found the middle, hold the drum up to your chest with the mallets in each hand. The next step is to find the note you want to play. This can be done by looking at a chart or by ear. For beginners, it might be easier to use a chart. The note will be written on the left side of the chart and the frequency (how high or low the note sounds) will be written on the right side. Now that you know which note you want to play, it’s time for Step 3. With your finger on the drum, play the note. This will sound like a staccato or single stroke sound. Once you’ve played the note, put your finger down and repeat

Get Familiar with your instrument

1. If you’re new to the steel tongue drum, it’s important to get familiar with its features and how it works. The drum is made up of a number of metal tongues that are hit with a mallet to create sound. The pitch of each tongue can be changed by moving the mallet closer or further away from the drum head.

2. Experiment with different sounds by hitting the tongues in different places. You’ll soon discover which spots produce the notes you’re looking for.

3. The steel tongue drum is a great instrument for improvisation – don’t be afraid to experiment and see what comes out! To get a good sound from the instrument, experiment with different mallets – ping pong and cricket bats are often recommended.

Play with Hands or Mallets?


Like handpan. Some people prefer to play handpans with their hands, while others find that using mallets produces a better sound. Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide what works best for you. Just experiment until you find what feels comfortable and sounds good to you.

Learn the difference between handpan and steel tongue drum

Types of steel drum mallets

There are many types of steel drum mallets on the market. Some are better for beginners while others are more advanced.

The most common type of mallet is a wooden dowel that is covered in either foam or rubber. This type of mallet is good for beginners because it is soft and won’t damage the drum head.

Another type of mallet is called a beater. Beaters are made from hard materials such as wood, plastic, or metal. They are heavier than other types of mallets and can produce a louder sound.

Finally, there are marimba hammers which are specifically designed for playing steel tongue drums. They have a softer surface than other types of hammers and produce a mellower sound.

Basic Techniques to Play Steel Tongue Drum

Holding the Drum

To play the steel tongue drum comfortably, hold it securely between your legs or place it on a stable surface. Find a position that allows you to reach all the tongues effortlessly and provides a comfortable playing experience.

Striking the Tongues

When striking the tongues, use the pads of your fingers or your fingertips. Experiment with different striking points and angles to achieve various tones and nuances. Explore the sounds produced by striking the tongues softly or with more force, and notice how the dynamics affect the overall musical expression.

Creating Different Tones

The steel tongue drum offers a wide range of tones and timbres. By striking different parts of the tongues or using different striking techniques, you can produce variations in sound. Explore the drum’s surface, experiment with different striking locations, and discover the unique tones that each tongue produces.

Learning Scales and Melodies

Understanding the Layout

The layout of a steel tongue drum varies depending on the number of tongues and their arrangement. Spend some time familiarizing yourself with the specific layout of your drum. Many steel tongue drums follow a pentatonic scale, which makes it easier to create harmonious melodies.

Playing Single Notes

Begin your journey by playing single notes. Identify the different tongues and practice striking each one individually. This will help you develop accuracy and control over your playing technique.

Exploring Different Scales

Once you are comfortable playing single notes, start exploring different scales. Experiment with pentatonic, major, minor, and other scales to create various moods and emotions in your music. Let your creativity flow and allow the drum’s resonant tones to guide your melodies.

Using Handpan Techniques on Steel Tongue Drum

If you are familiar with handpan techniques, you can incorporate some of them into your steel tongue drum playing. Techniques like rolls, ghost notes, and flams can add depth and complexity to your compositions. Experiment with these techniques and adapt them to suit the unique characteristics of the steel tongue drum.

Incorporating Rhythm and Timing

Playing with a Metronome

To improve your sense of rhythm and timing, practice playing along with a metronome. Start with a slow tempo and gradually increase the speed as you become more comfortable. This will help you develop a solid rhythmic foundation for your playing.

Experimenting with Different Rhythms

Don’t be afraid to explore different rhythmic patterns and grooves on your steel tongue drum. Try playing syncopated rhythms, polyrhythms, or even experimenting with odd time signatures. Let your intuition guide you and have fun exploring the rhythmic possibilities of this versatile instrument.

Adding Percussive Elements

In addition to its melodic capabilities, the steel tongue drum can also produce percussive sounds. Incorporating percussive elements into your playing adds a layer of complexity and richness to your music.

Finger Tapping

Experiment with finger tapping techniques on the surface of the drum. Create rhythmic patterns by tapping your fingers on different parts of the drum while striking the tongues simultaneously. This technique allows you to combine melodic and percussive elements seamlessly.

Thumb Rolls

Master the art of thumb rolls to create a continuous and flowing sound. By rolling your thumb across the tongues, you can create mesmerizing and sustained notes that add a hypnotic quality to your playing.

Rim Clicks

Explore the sound possibilities of the drum’s rim by using your fingertips or drumsticks to strike it. Rim clicks add a percussive element to your music and can be used to accentuate specific beats or create rhythmic variations.

Enhancing Your Playing with Accessories

Several accessories can enhance your steel tongue drum playing experience. Consider using mallets, drumsticks, or finger gloves/rings to expand your tonal palette and explore different playing techniques.

Using Mallets

Mallets can produce a softer and more sustained sound compared to hand striking. Experiment with different types of mallets to achieve a variety of tonal qualities and explore new musical possibilities.

Incorporating Drumsticks

Drumsticks offer a different playing experience altogether. They can produce sharper and more percussive sounds, allowing you to experiment with different playing styles and genres.

Applying Finger Gloves or Rings

Finger gloves or rings can alter the sound produced by your fingertips, adding a unique timbre to your playing. These accessories can also provide a layer of protection for your fingers during extended playing sessions.

Practicing and Improving

As with any musical instrument, consistent practice is key to improving your skills on the steel tongue drum. Here are some tips to help you make the most of your practice sessions:

Developing Finger Dexterity

Dedicate time to exercises that focus on finger dexterity. Practice scales, arpeggios, and finger independence exercises to strengthen your fingers and improve your playing speed and accuracy.

Building Muscle Memory

Repetition is essential for building muscle memory. Practice common patterns, melodies, and rhythmic sequences until they become second nature. This will enable you to play with ease and fluidity.

Exploring Creative Expression

While practice is important, don’t forget to let your creativity shine. Experiment with improvisation, composition, and exploring different genres to find your unique voice on the steel tongue drum. Allow your emotions and personal experiences to inspire your playing.

Resources for Learning

To further develop your skills and expand your knowledge of the steel tongue drum, explore the following resources:

Online Tutorials and Videos

The internet offers a wealth of tutorials, lessons, and videos that can help you learn and improve. Search for reputable websites, YouTube channels, and online communities dedicated to the steel tongue drum. Take advantage of the vast knowledge shared by experienced players and instructors.

Joining Steel Tongue Drum Communities

Connect with fellow enthusiasts and players by joining online communities and forums dedicated to the steel tongue drum. Engage in discussions, share your progress, and seek advice from more experienced players. Collaborating with others can inspire you and open doors to new learning opportunities.

How to Choose The Right Tongue Drum

When shopping for a steel tongue drum, it’s important to consider what size and type of drum is best suited for your needs.

The size of the drum depends on the person’s height and hand span. A small steel tongue drum is about 10-12 inches in diameter, while a large one is around 18-20 inches.

There are two types of drums: open and closed. An open drum has a hole in the center of the top head, while a closed drum does not.

Open drums are louder and have more sustain than closed drums. They’re also better for playing rhythms, as closed drums can be muffled more easily.

Some people prefer open drums because they allow more sound to escape, resulting in a brighter tone. Others prefer closed drums because they’re quieter and have a warmer tone.

How to Care for Your Tongue Drum

Caring for your steel tongue drum is important to keep it in good condition. Here are a few tips on how to care for your drum:

-Always use a soft cloth when cleaning your drum. Do not use any type of harsh chemicals or solvents as they may damage the finish.

-If your drum gets wet, be sure to dry it off completely before storing it.

-Store your drum in a cool, dry place. Exposure to excessive heat or humidity can cause the metal to rust.

Temperature does affect the performance of metal instruments.


In conclusion, playing the steel tongue drum is a fun and easy way to make music. It’s a great instrument for beginners, and you can learn how to play it in just a few minutes. So why not give it a try?

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